Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Please Whisper

So for a few months now, I have been trying my hand at photography. I hate to even use that word "photography" because I am far from being a photographer. So, for now, let's just call it "I got a pretty nice camera and I've been trying to figure it out and a few times along the way, I've gotten some pretty decent shots." It's a little longer, but, oh well.

So along with taking pictures (okay, that's a bit easier to manage), I've also been playing around in Photoshop. I've become quite addicted to a few different editing techniques, one of which is the tried and true black and white. I love black and white pictures!

I love the way a black and white photo suddenly makes you want to be quiet and still. And if it makes you want to speak, a whisper is most appropriate. Anything louder would disturb the moment. Here are a few of my favorites. If you're moved to words, please whisper! :)

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